Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's that time again...

The Secretary just put on her Afternoon Perfume. She puts it on in the bathroom, which has a fan, and is approximately 35 feet and around 2 corners from my office.

Nevertheless, it always meanders down here and invades my office. My tiny, hot office. It makes me claustrophobic and I am feeling a bit nauseous.

It's a nice idea (from someone who thought she was getting away with not wearing deodorant for a while only to find she was not, in fact, getting away with it), but LIGHTEN UP! Why don't perfume bottles come with directions?

It probably is a nice perfume when worn in moderation. Right now, however, it strikes me like something trying too hard to cover up something ELSE.

I am tempted to say something. Maybe: "Whoa! Did you spill perfume?!" Or, "What I like to do is spray one mist and walk into it. It's more subtle that way." Or perhaps, "I'm SO SORRY, but I have allergies and I need you to stop wearing so much perfume." Or, I could just find another job since I am so unhappy with this one that the Secretary's excessive perfume sends me into a tizzy.


Steve said...

Our cleaning lady is the same way. I can smell her when she comes through our main entrance. What's worse, she wears a different perfume every week. I can't even get used to one of them. Also...she is a hugger and Laura and I know her from outside of work (she lives in our town). So, guess who's shirt smells like perfume every Tuesday and Thursday...ugh

David said...

I'm a HUGE fan of the post picture, J. I laughed out loud when I saw it.

Also re: stinking, what is it about older men and the stink that they all have. I'm not talking about a dirty smell. I'm talking about that faint aftershavey smell that comes with all older men that you can smell from several seats away on the train/bus. You know what I'm talking about. It's a stale sort of smell, but not exactly unpleasant. Do I smell like that?!

SIP said...

Are you talking about Old Person smell? Bc on men, it's the stale aftershavey smell, on ladies, it's more rose-scented stale smell. I have no idea what that smell is. I assume it's some sort of decay. Sad, huh?

Laura said...

I hate when men smell like baby powder. I had a very nice coworker who was out for prostate cancer. Shortly after he came back, I got moved into the same office area where his desk was. He was very clean and well dressed, but smelled like baby powder. So now when I smell baby powder on a man, my thoughts are immediately drawn to their prostates (or, as some say, prostrates).

Kylie said...

In our office we have a no-scent policy--just for situations like this! It helps that we have the asthma prevention program. But really, it's the "in" thing in office policies these days---solve the problems without hurting anybody in particular's feelings.