I kick myself everytime I get ANOTHER catalog in the mail. So today I FINALLY remembered to go to Catalog Choice to opt out of receiving so many. FYI, it helps to have the customer # on the catalog itself (but you can apparently do it by name of company as well).
I also just recently (again: kicking myself) opted out of getting all three professional magazines at work in print. They are all online! And, as if you didn't know, I am much more likely to view them online than I am in print.
Ooo, I am going to have to sit down and do this. I hate when I make the effort to call, wait on hold, request that they no longer send me catalogs...only for it to start up again as soon as I place an order.
I have been paying bills online for about a year now, and I've found that the mailbox has TONS less junk in it. Now if I could just stop them from delivering those damn little newspapers that I don't read.
Brava, J! I don't think you've posted about this yet, so I'm going to put in my own plug for opting out of bottled water. Everyone living in the U.S. has access to free, safe, clean drinking water, and yet we spend billions of dollars each year on bottled water. Studies have shown that bottled water is no better, in terms of safety, than average municipal tap water. But producing plastic bottles, transporting heavy bottled water around the country, and then landfilling or recycling the trash uses a vast amount of resources. So, invest in a nalgene or other reusable bottle, and free yourselves from the tyranny of bottled water! (I even take mine travelling -- just bring an empty nalgene with you through security at the airport, and you can fill it with delicious and free tap water on the other side.)
It's SO TRUE--there are so many ways to not produce trash and once you discover them, it's like, "Why wasn't I doing this all along??"
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