Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dear Clarkson Philanthropy Office,

My name is D, BS Chemical Engineering '01.  I'm writing to let you know that I plan never to answer your calls asking for money, so please stop calling.  I have caller ID, and you've tried to contact me something like 30 times now.  And remember last time you got me to pledge?  You had to send me three reminders before I bothered to send my check.  Who needs all that hassle?  And, as I'm sure your financial records will show, I did pay $50 (the exact amount of my incredibly late last pledge) so that I could watch Clarkson hockey games on the internets this year.  That, my friends, is all you're getting out of me.  I had a great time at Clarkson, don't get me wrong, but I'm still paying off my loans!  Give a guy a break.  As soon as my loans are repaid, I will gladly give more than my annual $50.  Oh, and if you decide to go back to FREE hockey video, I'll send my usual pledge posthaste!  

Thank you for your urgent attention to these matters,


Steve said...

I loved my college too. But, I don't see any reason why alumni should be asked to donate to their college after they just paid $100K+ for a Bachelor's degree. I will never give them a cent (except for going to a hockey game or other entertainment event every now and then).

I told them that by the way (nicely)and they stopped calling and sending letters.

SIP said...

Well, I got scholarships that helped me go to a Very Expensive School, so I don't mind giving $30 here and there (SPEAKING OF, it HAS been a while). hahaha@paltry. But, yeah, COLLEGES, TAKE A HINT: we want something for our donation. A t-shirt. Hockey on the internet. An interesting lecture. Something to sweeten the deal.

Steve said...

Exactly J. I get absolutely nothing free from RIT. I get better benefits for being the husband of an employee than I do for being an alumni. For example, the gym at RIT is $150 a quarter for alumni, and only $35 a quarter for employee spouses. unreal.vartdywo

Steve said...

The "vartdywo" was that stupid code thing you have type in everytime you leave a comment. I accidentally put it in my comment.