Friday, September 26, 2008


I just want to urge Obama supporters to get online and volunteer. I realize you're in a blue state, but you could reach out to people in purple states and really help, I believe. Dave's aunt is in Ohio (she lives in Mass.) volunteering all day long! Karen and I just made a few calls last night. The thing is, there are people out there who need to be reminded about educating themselves and voting. I am not saying "call them and convince them to vote for Obama"--I am saying "call them and make them think about the issues most important to them. Then remind them there are resources for getting the facts about the policies of each of the candidates. Then remind them how and when to register to vote and that voting by absentee ballot is the easiest."

I spoke with a Hillary supporter who had "no idea" who she's going to vote for. I asked her what her concerns are and she said the economy. I asked her who she thought would best handle the economic problems we're facing. "Oh, Obama for sure" We kept talking, but I think it made her realize that neither candidate is perfect, but you exercise your vote with the faith that the person you vote for will do the best job.

I also spoke with someone who enthusiastically answered "Oberack" to my question. Me: "uuuuhhh... do you mean Barack Obama?" Her: "*laughing* I can't say the guy's name, but you know who I mean!" (funny especially since I told her I was a volunteer with the Barack Obama campaign in Colorado. She might have also been the one who asked, "Who's that?" hahahaha--oh, PEOPLE!)

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