Anyhoo, in the spirit of the Republican National Convention, I'm going to use this blog to talk about what makes me angry instead of giving my fans a blog of substance. So here's to you, right-wing assholes.
Things that made me angry this week:

1) Sarah Palin. Not only is McCain's pick of her as a running mate an obvious political one (an attempt to get women and pander to his crazy right-wing nutjob base) but she would be a scary person to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Can you imagine her being the leader of the free world? Oh my god, where should I move...Montreal or Vancouver? And is it just me or is her voice like nails on a chalkboard? Something like Francis McDormand's character in "Fargo" only more high pitched and histrionic. And is it just me or is it totally insulting that this woman is out there smugly insulting Barack Obama and the democrats considering she is a NOBODY that NOBODY has heard of from po dunk Alaska. And I'm sorry, don't give the media a hard time for wanting to know about your are asking us to pick you as second in command of this country and you think it's unreasonable that we want to know more? DOUCHE!!

2) John McCain. I'm sorry but I'm supposed to believe that you are going to reform the Republican party while being in power? Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. You now get a time out to think about what you've done for the last eight years. And when you are ready to really admit how YOU AND YOUR PARTY are the ones that have put us on the wrong track over the past eight years, well then maybe we'll let you come out and collect speaking fees for talking to nursing homes and VFW posts. So go to your corner and face the wall. P.S. your speech sucked, didn't inspire at all and presented nothing of substance regarding how you would "change" this country. My ass you are an agent of change.
3) Residents and nurses that talk down to me like I'm dumb and beneath them. I reported 2 choice (dripping w/ sarcasm) people this week at work because they used these lines on me when I called them out on violating a protocol: "I put the order in, I'm the doctor...this is holding up the patient from going to the OR. I need this now," "Who is your manager?" and "This is ridiculous, I'm tired of dealing with this." Oh really, you are tired of dealing with evidence-based medicine and playing by the same rules as everyone else? TOUGH! (I'd explain this more but it would take a whole post).
4) M. Night Shyamalan and "Lady in the Water". This was by far one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen in my life. Horrible acting from good actors (mostly due to a bad script), a bad script (mostly due to a bad writer) and a bad writer (all due to M. Night Shamamlalanon). It's become apparent that he got lucky with "Sixth Sense" and "Signs". I would reserve my Republicanesque rancor and spare M. were it not for his massive ego and complete lack of humility (I'm sorry but you wrote, directed and starred in this film...I just threw up a little bit in my mouth). GIVE ME BACK THE LAST 110 MINUTES OF MY LIFE!!Those things are really the only things I wanted to rant about. Did I sound like Sarah Palin because I didn't offer anything of substance, only criticism and partisan vitriol? Oh, sorry...that WAS MY GOAL.
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