Monday, September 29, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

So I've noticed that there is some tension going down on the blog. And so I'm gonna go all Edna Garrett on this blog's ass. "GURRRRLS! GURRRLS!" (and guys)... can we agree to disagree on some things and keep it civil? Thanks!

Now I know that this blog has a very liberal slant. And right now is a touchy time with an election only weeks away. But that doesn't mean that we can't get along. Some of my best friends are conservatives. I disagree with them regularly. But an incident with my very conservative family at the start of the Iraq War involving e-mail forwards and responses taught me how sticky politics is - especially amongst friends and family. So while I'm not calling for an end to ideological slant to this blog or any comments, let's not get personal or slanderous. Not that it's been that bad but I know things can deteriorate as quickly as Rush Limbaugh's OxyContin high (oh, I couldn't resist).

It's either we all get along or I'm going to make you paint your bedroom in a ploy to get you to work things out. And we all know that will end in messy hilarity!

1 comment:

Laura said...

My best friend growing up and I loved this show, and would compare me to Blair and her to Jo. I recently saw a commercial for a Lifetime movie (no, I DON'T watch Lifetime more than maybe 30 minutes a year) staring Jo, and she looks exactly the same. Plus a little eye makeup.

And here's some fun trivia. When I was in the hospital, I watched Tooti on "Living Single" having the same thing done that I was.