Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ugh, fine.

The blog is turning very political. I was trying to fight that, but I'm giving in. For those of you who aren't interested in politics, sorry. I spend a lot of time these days watching coverage, so it tends to take up a lot of thought. Also, this is a very important election for those of us who feel like we've been living in an alien nation for the last eight years. I grew up (at least when I was becoming the person I am today) during the Clinton years, so this has really been something. Also, I'm gay. Also, I like to think that the government should help people. Anyway...  

I guess my biggest problem with "Barracuda" (which defines as slang for "a treacherous, greedy person" -- but the campaign is calling her that. I didn't make it up!) is probably something everyone who was old enough to vote during the Bush/Quayle elections went through. "Oh my God, what happens if the VP has to take over?!" That said, and assuming McCain wins the election and becomes incapacitated, I will thank Jeebus himself that we have a gubment of checks and balances. But wait... I've seen what that gubment does in times of "terror" and fright. It bends to the will of the moment instead of looking at the situation sans emotion (see the wars we are entrenched in for more information). Probably one of the most frightening things a country could go through is the death of their leader, so I guess that's why I'm scared. McCain is 72. Assuming he stays in office for eight years, he will be 80. It's no secret that the stresses of office tend to age a President anyway. You can see where I'm going with this.

Also, I'm offended on behalf of women everywhere. Andrea Mitchell (from MSNBC) said just this morning that she thinks Palin was a "smart pick" for McCain to attract women, and that women are moving to Palin in increasing numbers. Now, if you are a woman and you agree with Palin, that's one thing. But who in their right mind would vote FOR someone because they have a vagina EVEN IF they feel differently about what you can do with that vagina? I mean, I am sure there are people out there like that, but come on! Is that most of us? I hope not. The people they are interviewing are coming out to see the McCain campaign when it totters through town. That leads me to believe they would have done that anyway (or at the least would have voted for McCain come November). And it's not just the abortion issue. She's uber conservative on all issues that I've heard her talk about.  

That leads me to: her positions. Dear Media, stop saying she's trying to attract Hillary voters. She is the Anti-Hillary. She believes nothing that Hillary does. Deep down, she HATES Hillary. Personally, I tend to agree with Hillary's positions (yes, there are exceptions). Therefore, I find Palin to be a nightmare in terms of who I would like to see leading the country. That is precisely why I vote, even in the most mundane of elections (see County Water Commissioner election of recent history).

Oh yeah, and here's another reason. No spousal rights for gay couples, and if that wasn't enough... let's try to get them into lasting straight relationships. FU, Barracuda. To be fair, Palin hasn't officially endorsed converting people from gay to straight, but it's not a giant leap. Only bad people would want to keep committed couples from being able to visit their loved ones in the hospital as if they were married (= spousal rights). Luckily for me, that would never be an issue. P's and my families are very loving and accept us both with open arms. Other couples aren't so lucky.

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