So I broke down and just got an iPod nano last night. It's the 16gb in blue, the latest and greatest 4th generation, natch. The iPhone will have to wait till June (so D, quit the hysterical whining about how you want an iPhone before me...we both have to wait now).
But anyhoo...I started the process of preparing my music for an iPod last night. I have a TON of music that is inconveniently not in the correct format (they are mostly WMAs...stupid Windows) and so much to my surprise the latest version of iTunes started to automatically convert these files to types that are okay for an iPod. The process started last night around 630 pm and as of 730 am this morning, it was only about 60% finished with the process. OMG, I have a ton of music. So far, playback time of my library is over 1 week...meaning if I were to listen continuously, it would play for over a week. That's some crazy sh**. So I left my computer running so that it could finish this process. Keep your fingers crossed that this doesn't crash my poor PC laptop! Or that once I get my fancy new nano that it doesn't crash itself or the laptop. Of course, if it did I would have an excuse to get a MacBook.
I'm ridiculous.
Welcome to Mac :)
Dave got an iPhone. It's AMAZING.
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