For those of you who DON'T know... my grandma is 90. She's the perfect image of little old lady--the nice, docile kind. She's about 4'2", snowy white hair, glasses. She's not stooped and she's feisty enough to still live on her own.
She's known P and D for YEARS at this point. Which, admittedly, on her timeline isn't that long, but still. She has listened to me talk about them, never asking me why I didn't date one of them or why I always mentioned both of them. Once a few years ago, she remarked on the fact that they were moving into yet another apartment together and tentatively asked, "Are theeeeeyyy..." *me nervously interrupting* "Roommates? Yes!"
It struck me at the time that if I was too nervous to broach the subject, I canNOT imagine how people come out on their own.
Anywhoo, the other day I was talking to Grandma and told her I had been to Chicago to see those guys and she asked how they were doing and inquired if either of them was seeing a nice girl yet. I swear, the woman was on to me. I sheepishly told her that they are, in fact, gay. *high, squeaky voice* "Oh, didn't I tell you, grandma? P and D are gay... they're a couple." She said she didn't even THINK of that. Which, again, makes me think she was just trying to get me to admit the obvious.*
*or not-so-obvious. I didn't know for sure about Paul until I asked. And David... well.
I find it astounding that you didn't know P was. I mean, seriously. I'm not saying he is a flaming queer, but come on! I wouldn't say he's butch, Jenn.
I was very innocent back then, David. And, in the late nineties, it was considered (among the straights, anyways) to ask. And, it was before I started assuming everything.
Paul is quiet until he is queeny. For David I resort to David-as-9-year-old-boy helping father in barn wearing red knee-high leather cowgirl boots, cut off shorts with pockets hanging just below fringe and button up flannel tied around his chest, no undershirt.
*sigh* I DID have a Miss Piggy doll growing up. Also, of my He-Man action figures, my secret fave was She-Ra, his sister. She had doll hair and thighs that would not end.
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