Friday, March 21, 2008

Bus Plague: Remixed & Revisited

Funny enough, the same day I wrote my original "Bus Plague" post, I had something else happen. This time, I was on the train on my way home from work.

I sat down as soon as I boarded. When I did, this man asks me if his tooth is chipped. I squint at his teeth, and say, "Nope. They look fine to me." He then shakes my hand and tells me he is on his way to see his baby-momma. He asks me how his corn rows look. "Fine." He shakes my hand again.

I was hoping that would be the end of our little interaction, but I was treated to a sweeping history of civilization. During this re-telling of our planet's history, I learned that this gentleman thinks Hitler was "brilliant" and "before his time". Keep in mind that on the opposite end of my car, a family of Hasidic Jews was minding its own business. I was mortified. Then he started talking about even crazier things, the likes of which I'm sure aren't acceptable on a public blogging site. And, all of his tales were told at maximum volume. I was getting as many looks as he was because I couldn't decide what to do, and sat there with a dumb look on my face.

Looking back to my original post about the older gentleman, perhaps I was a little hasty. Sir, if you're reading this (and I know you are not)... I'm sorry. Have a seat next to me anytime you wish. Just please keep your crazy thoughts to yourself.

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