So, there I was, happily logging into Hotmail, clicking on "New", entering the first 3 letters of the person I was emailing (Kelly). I typed this rather long email, pretty personal. Hit "Send". Then that page comes up that confirms your message has been sent... TO 12 PEOPLE ON MY CONTACTS LIST!!!!! OH. MY. GOD.
When I went BACK to Hotmail, it was all different-looking. Apparently I had been composing my e in the middle of an upgrade. But the names of my contacts aren't even CLOSE in the list!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??
Assuming I will never get answers, there shouldn't be much aftermath to deal with. I had expressed my feelings about a certain member of my family (nothing she wouldn't know, but it WOULD add fuel to the fire if she knew I were expressing the same to MY FRIENDS) and, as luck would have it, HOTMAIL SENT IT TO HER. Dear God, what did I do to deserve this??
Turns out, it was her old email address, so it was returned undelivered. PHHHEEEWWWWUH.
Perhaps it's just a gentle reminder to be careful what you say. Or maybe I need to be a little less cavalier and a little more paranoid in my daily activities.
It also makes me think about people who didn't seem to care that the NSA was listening in on phone calls. You might not be a terrorist, but what if they heard something personal? Would you care about privacy THEN??
Well, I can assume it wasn't about me because I haven't changed my email address in many years. You're lucky, Bucko!!! :P
Unless your address book is really in need of cleaning...hmmm...
Oh, this wasn't ME posting. It was Jenn. I wouldn't DREAM of saying anything negative about my family! Especially since I know you read the blog. ;)
I'm flattered bc I assume D and I sound alike in posts (and we already KNOW that P sounds so much more ASTUTE in his)
note: I updated my post to have a relevant, political spin. That way, I apply my personal experience to the world at large. Or the nation. Or just our readership.
How funny! And here Steve and I were speculating which gossip about which female relative David would have been telling, hahaha!
Yes here I am, the one the email was supposed to go to...Luckily she only briefly mentioned my day in court....then left a very funny message on my work voicemail saying if anyone asks court was just a "drug related thingy" big deal...
HAHAHAHAHAHA....I could pretty much see the panic on Jenn's face...
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