Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Keepin' Up With the Times

Dave and I got cable. Direct TV, no less. With DVR. So, I really think I will be able to stay up with the times. In fact, it's one of the Pros we listed. My fear is, however, I don't want to be a tv watcher. I've done just fine watching 60 Minutes, and the occasional Office with Countdown and The Daily Show online.
But... there are, perhaps, as have been alluded to on this blog, areas where cable is really going to improve my life.
I need help with the ol' wardrobe. Is What Not to Wear still on?
We are working on our backyard this spring--I assume there are landscaping and home improvement shows galore.
Dave and I have kicked off a healthy diet and exercise regimen. I saw "Fit TV" and YES!--we have The Food Network.
And, of course, all the music channels which I so adore.
Who knows what OTHER gems I will discover!


Steve said...

Discovery Home! The best channel on tv! IMHO

SIP said...

WHERE IS IT??? DO I HAVE IT?! HOW DO I WORK THIS THING?? *punching buttons on the wrong remote*

Anonymous said...

I'm too astounded to type. I'll have to reply to this at another time.

Laura said...

I think you have to be in the north to get Discovery Home, as it's a lot of conuck (sp?!?) shows, eh. I know my cousin in FL doesn't get it (which really hampers good-TV discussions). DVRs RULE!!! Jenn, you won't have to worry about watching too much TV if you record the shows you're interested in. You can watch tme on your schedule, and fast-forward past the commercials, allowing you extra time to get outside and do your landscaping.

SIP said...

Too bad about Discovery Home, but I will look. That is an excellent point, Laura--THINK of the time I will save fast-forwarding through commercials!!