Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I found this to be FASCINATING

It's an Implicit Association Test by something to do with Harvard (Harvard!). It has you look at pictures of the candidates (some flattering, some not so flattering) and words (like "pleasant", "friend", "hate", etc.) and has you attempt to associate the words with the different candidates. Then, it shows you how fondly your brain thinks of each candidate.

(Full disclosure: my results had Obama way on top of the "I Like You" scale, Clinton JUST above McCain and I had to scroll down TWICE to see Huckabee.)

Although... I can't imagine the results would ever come out so that you would be surprised. "Oh my gooooooddddd... I really DO like McCain!"

Take the TEST (scroll to the bottom and click on "Presidential Candidates Task" (last link)



Steve said...

I favor Barak and Huckabee more than Hillary and McCain according to the test. If I had to vote tomorrow in reality...I have no idea who I would vote for. I am not attached to any candidate.

SIP said...

Apparently your brain is attached to Barack. You can't dispute science (well, ok, you CAN, but...)
Now that IS an interesting test for someone like you who doesn't favor any one candidate. I hope we've at least furthered science by participating!

Anonymous said...

I kept getting red x's. Therefore, I quit. I cannot be bothered to read things that I am only mildly interested in. I read HEADLINES, people. HEADLINES.

SIP said...

Daaaayyyyviiiiddd... you have to read the directions! Like, they ask you to put Huckabee and good words in the right category and any other person and bad words in the left. A red X means you didn't follow directions.

Anonymous said...

Meh. I'll leave this for the kids. I have things to do.

Laura said...

My results are accurate :)

Anonymous said...

OK, so I did it. All candidates were middle of the pack. No one stood out as very positive or very negative. Order: HC, McCain, BO, Huck. But, like I said... the pictures are right on top of one another.