Friday, March 28, 2008

Earth Hour--Saturday

I just read about this in the Denver Post and definitely plan on participating. Had everyone else heard about it and are you planning on participating? (Poll at right)


David said...

So two things:

1. I had heard. I imagine the DP mentions that Chicago is the host city? If not, it is. *sniff, hike up pants*

2. I was hoping for a third option in the poll about participation. I would have answered "yes, but" if there was one. What is this really going to do? For one hour? Seriously? It seems that efforts would be better spent elsewhere. I know it's a statement, I get that part, I just think that however much this is going to cost would be better spent by researching something or installing a solar panel on a house or SOMETHING.

SIP said...

I assume someone, somewhere is looking at a graph of energy consumption and this will produce a HUGE dip. *hope*

David said...

Or, that picture that you've included on the blog could go even BRIGHTER during the hour.

Laura said...

Because the weekend is the only time I can do stuff at home, turning everything off for an hour would only require me to turn lights on before the sun is up or stay up later to do all my stuff. They've had a big push for it here on campus, too. I am contributing by turning my computer off instead of just putting it to sleep.

On the topic of "environment," we bought Palmolive's new phosphate-free dishwasher detergent. It works great. I just wonder how many people will buy this fashionable new line of products, but not recycle the jug. And our campus now has plastic cups made of corn that say they're compost-able. So I wonder where these compost piles are on campus, because I've been using the garbage cans that are lined with plastic bags. I think compost piles need oxygen to work.

David said...

The City of Chicago only just started a blue bin recycling program in our ward. Prior to that, we were having to buy special blue garbage bags, and we would throw everything away with the trash. Allegedly, they would sort the trash when they got to the trash sorting place. Riiiiiiiight. Well, this new program isn't available in all of the wards yet, so some people are still doing the blue bag program, though I'm sure most people don't bother.

At work, they don't even recycle! They did just announce that they are rolling out a recycling program on Earth Day, but that means plastic, aluminum and plastic (#1 and #2 only). Our City program takes MUCH more than that now. But I've been asking for recycling since I started working there, and was always told it was "too expensive". Well, now they are interested because we are about to start a major hospital expansion which is going to be "green". So, they thought it would look terrible not to recycle. *major eye roll*

Laura said...

The department I work in on campus had grown into the Golisano Institute for Sustainability. Once enough funds are raised, they are building a sustainable building. The partial list I've been using for presentations has about 50 aspects of the construction and how the building will continue to operate. So many ideas are, like, duh! why havn't we been building this way?!?

I've also learned that, in NY anyway, it's a long tedious process to REALLY be "green," so a lot of vendors say they're green, and everyone just believes them because no one wants to do the legwork.