Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mario Batali's Brown Line Adventure!

OK, so I'm sure it wasn't REALLY Mario Batali, but the guy on the train did really look like him.  

Red hair tied back in ponytail?  Check!  Beard?  Check!  Figure?  Check!  Sloppy style?  Check!  

The only thing missing were the Crocs.  I assume he wears them even when not in the kitchen, though they didn't mention that on his Chefography.  Also, I picture MB as tall.  This guy wasn't.

Another interesting thing on my train ride home (don't get too excited as it's not that great) -- I saw a man reading a Russian/Polish entertainment mag.  I didn't recognize any of the "stars", but there was one article that looked promising.  Some woman in a slinky black dress was singing and sloppy drunk (presumably on Vodka).  But, as I cannot read the language and do not talk to strangers, I guess we'll never know.


SIP said...

I picture him tall, too, but I don't think measuring him against everyone on Iron Chef is the most accurate... I mean, what are the chances someone looks like him?? Also, is he IN Chicago? Like, is that where he is from, etc.?

Steve said...

He's from Seatle actually. Was he having trouble breathing from the neck fat pushing on his windpipe? Because Mario has really packed it on in the last year or so.

David said...

I didn't hear him breathing, so I don't thnk so. And he definitely wasn't as big as the Real Deal. But still, at one point I was convinced it was him.

Cristen aka Payne D. Spencer said...

Actually, I have seen Mario in person. He walked past me in NYC near one of his restaurants. He is shorter, balder, and fatter than you would think. It was winter and he was wearing shorts and orange clogs. Seriously. He has issues.

David said...

*gasp* Cristen, are you a fan of the blog? We have so few that we tend to get really I-just-peed-my-pants excited when we think we might have found one.

Cristen aka Payne D. Spencer said...

You may want to sit down P&D (j can probably handle the news while standing)....

YES!! I am a fan (my hubby was laughing so hard he was crying when I read him cat puke post).

And....I am local. Cheers!