Friday, May 9, 2008

On a good day: bemused; on a bad day: enraged

Dave has commented about this SAME THING to me: why do certain people who comment on news websites think anyone CARES about what they have to say? I understand comments about the way the news is reported. I do not understand a posting of how the news makes me feel. The general exception being national tragedies, I suppose, where people need to reach out to others who feel the same as part of a universal healing process.

Specifically, this is the type of thing I am referring to:

Show me the lemon, Starbucks!
by on May 6, 2008

All I want is a damn lemon for my iced tea. It’s a $2.10 drink that they make for pennies. Is it too much to ask for a lemon? Or even a package of lemon concentrate?

When I brought this to the attention of the top brass at Starbucks,
all they gave me was the run-around.

The best Starbucks executive vice president Michelle Gass could do for me was refer me to and suggest that I write down my comments there.


I also prefer lemon-flavored iced tea. When I make a gallon jug of sun tea at home, I include a bag of Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger along with the Lipton Cold Brew tea bags. For a stronger lemon flavor, I sometimes use 2 bags of Zinger. I’ve also used lemon-flavored Crystal Light On the Go Hydration in my iced tea. The main purpose of that product is to flavor bottled water, but it works good in tea, both hot and cold.


Denver is a Party Town

The reason Denver residents can’t participate in high quality public education through Charter Schools is because they are unfortunate enough to live and stay in the City and County of Denver. Yes, Denver is a liberally run, Democratic Party Town. One of the biggest constituencies and politically influential lobbies of the DNC is the National Teachers Association and National Education Assoc. (a.k.a.Teacher’s Unions). Public School Teacher unions (K-12) don’t want competition. Teacher unions don’t like school vouchers or charter or even magnet schools. Instead, teachers unions want more money and political power, often at the expense of someone else.

The one thing these leaches don’t want to do is to be held accountable or have to perform at a higher standard. Too bad if your kids live in a big city like Denver, where Federally ordered school busing is still the law. (Even if you lived near a good public school, your kids would be required to attend a more distant, mediocre inner city school with more ethnic diversity and higher crime.

It is all about dumbing down the next generation so all they can do is work for foreign-owned or managed sweat shops or be the equivalent of Turkish Mamluks in the Corporate or Government Bureaucracy.

I found this picture on Google when I searched for "disbelief". She definitely expresses the annoyance/boredom I feel towards these commentaters. I call it simply: "MM-HMMM..."

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