Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Humorous Post Coming Soon

Let it be known that a relatively humorous post will appear here soon.  But not tonight.  Daddy had a bad day at work.  Public comments welcomed.

EDIT: Having just put my computer to sleep for the night, I walked into the bedroom to flop down on the bed and almost stepped in cat puke.  I then quickly realized that I forgot the paper towels at the store (again), and so had to use napkins to clean it up.  I got throw up on my finger (yes, I washed my hands before sitting down to type this).  And I was just thinking it might be nice to get the cats something from this website.  FAT CHANCE, JERKS!


SIP said...

hahahaha well, it was pretty humorous anyways. Good ol' cats, keeping life full of little surprises!

Laura said...

Could we PLEASE get some photos of the redecorated bedroom?!?!?!?