If you still need a reason to get a Wii, I have one for you: Mario Kart Wii. First of all, it has many of the tracks from previous games that you know and love (Rainbow Road anyone? Pwa pwa pwa pwaaaa pwa-pwa pwaaaaaaaa pwaaaaaaa!) only with updated graphics. This Mario Kart is better because you actually "drive" with a steering wheel that you hold in front of you. AND, you can play online with people from around the world. AND, you can play with friends simply by registering their Wii ID with your system. S, L and I used to have all-day Mario Kart matches -- that is until L got carsick and had to stop playing. You can play with up to 12 people in this version!
And another reason for you to get a Wii: Wii Fit. I promise I'll exercise if P buys me this! At least once a week :)
Dave wants a Wii Fit but I wasn't convinced it would be different than 1. watching exercise videos or 2. DDR which we don't really do that often anyways. Hm. But your post strangely has me coveting the Wii.
OMG, I'm a label!!! :)
I was recently telling a co-worker how, when D lived with us, the after-dinner sound was dishes in the sink, Nintendo power button sliding to the "on" position, and butts plopping down on the rug in front of the TV. He said he and his siblings used language from some video game as code in everyday life.
Less Wii and more blogging! sheesh.
You could at least return my emails D!
Mario Kart update: P gets so mad at me for beating him constantly that we're very close to banning the game from our home. We can't play board games without fighting, either. I can't help it that I'm THAT good!
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