Friday, February 29, 2008

The Panic Room treat!

So as this blog is called P. D. and J, the "P" better start contributing. Sorry, loyal subscribership (all 2 of you??) but I've been busy since this blog launched. I even missed the official launch party. Although now that I think about it, the noise that I heard last night and attributed to the "launch party" was actually probably just the cats (C&S, they currently wish to have their identies protected) getting freaked out by the snow and running around the apartment looking for our panic room. They belive once they find the elusive panic room, Jodie Foster will be there with Greenies, the only treats that don't make C throw up! (If that endorsement isn't worthy of our first corporate sponsorship, I give up!)

I find it ironic that the picture Jenn chose for our blog is one from her wedding. 2 issues with this:

1. It presents Jenn in full makeup and a fancy dress. Those of us that know and love Jenn realize that this is often far from reality. See previous blogs discussing how she will only be bringing a backpack to Chicagee. Also, ask her about the hideous hat she bought at a second hand store once.

2. David and I are wearing the same outfit (for the wedding, of course!). People have enough of a problem keeping the two of us straight. That's why I've started shaving a "D" into David's head in the middle of the night.

So look for a new picture of us soon. Perhaps we'll go to Sears Portrait Studio this weekend (another corporate sponsor potentially? Sears, call me!).


Anonymous said...

*standing ovation for P's first (and hysterical) post*

SIP said...

No kidding! I am all teary bc it made me laugh so hard! I would LOVE to go to Sears!!! (or Target, if your has a portrait studio) You know I would. Also, after reviewing pics from Haymarket (that doesn't sound right...) Days, I don't think my regrettable hat purchase is limited to ONCE instance...