Friday, February 29, 2008

Jenn's travels

*posted on behalf of one Mrs. Jennifer Grady*

4:58pm MST: Arrived at gate.  Waiting for plane to arrive.  Depart time still an hour and a half away...

6:18pm MST: Haven't boarded yet, but plane is here.  And it smells like fries.

6:22pm MST: and then I stood up and dropped my phone.  I was sure i broke it, but it seems ok.

*David now taking over the updates*

7:35pm CST: Southwest website says "now boarding".  Haven't heard from Jenn in 13 min.  Either she did, indeed, break her phone, or she simply got tired of texting.  Each option is just as likely.  In fact, I haven't bothered to text HER because I am tired of texting.

7:38pm CST: Southwest website now says "departed".  T-minus two hours until Jenn!

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