Saturday, January 1, 2011, how I love thee

I have spent an incredible amount of time on over the last year.  On my mom's father's side, I can trace my lineage back to John Alden -- my goal is to get my family into The Mayflower Society, but that's going to take a lot of work.  I keep insisting to P that I am American royalty.  He's not buying it.

The rest of my tree is still a bit of a mystery.  I really need to go through my parent's safe at home.  I'm told they have a bunch of documents related to my grandparents (all sides).  I'm sort of stuck at the moment.  

I have, however, found some pretty fascinating things that I would have assumed had been destroyed long ago.  My favorites are below.  Item 1 is the ship manifest from when my grandmother came to the US with her two kids (Margitta and Bob).  I assume the letters that are written in are stand for "M"other, "D"aughter and "S"on.  I also found a picture of the ship.   

Item 2 is an article from the August 18, 1955 issue of Penn Yan's Chronicle-Express, the local newspaper that still runs to this day.  You'll see that Carl Nelson (my dad) had the bike with "the most unusual decorations" in the bike parade.  His "black and white panda received the funniest title" in the doll contest.  My aunt (Mary Nelson) is also mentioned. 


SIP said...

That is so cool. Did you show your gma and your dad? I told my mom I found her in the 1970 Denver phone book and she was pretty impressed. hahahaha

Steve said...

more please!