Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: The Year of the Blog

And hello 2011!  Let it be known that the year 2011 will be the best year this blog has ever seen.  There will be more witty posts, more snarky observations and yes... even more wild rantings than you can even imagine.  On behalf of P, D and J, we thank you for your continued readership and look forward to another year with our followers.

Interestingly (to me), I found the above picture using a Google image search.  It's from a pretty nerdy blog that I will be going back to after finishing up here.  For those that do not know, I was a pretty large He-Man geek growing up.  It was a bit of an obsession.  An obsession among many (Garfield, stuffed animals, anything with googly eyes and/or pipe cleaners, etc.)


SIP said...

used Kleenex...

Hey--given a reference on Family Guy--was Adam West the voice of He-Man?

Steve said...

you slay me!

David said...

How could I forget the used Kleenex! I used to hang up used Kleenex in my room to dry so I could reuse. But that's for another post. Hey-oh!

Paul said...

That is a DISGUSTING factoid that I just found out about David. I just threw up a little in my mouth. I was the opposite. I hated using Kleenex because it ended up haunting me from the wastebasket. Also, my dad still to this day carries around a handkerchief which I also think is absolutely disgusting. Some old-timey habits should go away!