Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Holiday, Part One

There is something I LOVE about walking into a Starbucks and discovering the holidays are here!

What is it...?  The sweets and the calories?  (Like the 450 calorie grande egg nog latte)  The spending of money?  The meaningless gifts?  ("Here's a gift from Starbucks!  What?  You don't drink coffee?  Who doesn't drink coffee??")

I really think it's something about the graphic design that gets me.  All the red and white.  Sort of vintagey.  Clean and sparkley.  It makes me think of homemade mittens and paper-wrapped packages and pretending not to notice that there's way too much rum in the eggnog.  It's like I grew up on the Dick Van Dyke show.


Unknown said...

I agree that it's cozy, but I object on principle based on the fact that they started this crap before Thanksgiving. Bah, humbug!

Paul said...

Some marketing genius has done his/her job, Jenn. And you have just proven yourself a sucker! But I guess I am too. My favorite is the peppermint mocha! Don't even tell me how many calories are in that!