Monday, November 2, 2009

The End is Night(sic)! Part Deux

As you may have heard, Denver got 18" of snow last week.  There was a lot of news about it early in the week (including more than one phone call from my mom making sure I knew about the upcoming storm since I never listen to the local weather.  Since I walk to work, she pictures me getting stranded in all types of severe weather including wind.).  And you never know how seriously to take the local weather report.  Even last week, they were using their gravely serious tone of voice to warn about a blizzard that promised the potential for 2 feet of snow in the Denver metro area.  Hm.  But then they qualified it saying if it turned out to be an upslope instead of a downslope, we'd have spring-like weather.  It was a crap shoot.

Speaking of crap shoots, I was a little put out considering I had to FLY OUT OF DENVER ON THURSDAY.  TO LAS VEGAS (hence the "crap shoot" reference).  Considering getting to DIA is a trek in and of itself, AND considering I am a nervous flyer ANYWAYS, it all added up to way too much anxiety on my part.  I couldn't really fully enjoy my TWO SNOW DAYS (well, officially one and a half, but I took liberty with the first one and called it earlier than work did), even though I had company (and had a lot of fun walking to the store, eating sweets and playing Scramble together). 

Turned out because the snow was expected and didn't dump in 2 hours as per usual, the drive to the airport wasn't actually that bad.  But THEN, there was a breach in security.  Then, our plane had encountered a bird strike on the way in and they had to do a mechanical check.  And then, of course, we had to de-ice.

But, in the end, it really wasn't that big of an ordeal.   THANK GOODNESS.

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