Monday, October 26, 2009

And condos!

So the condo is really great. We have a mile-long list of improvements we'd like to make (and no money to do ANY of them). Slow and steady wins the race, I suppose. I'd post pictures, but the condo is still primping. In anticipation of the pictures, some of my favorite highlights include:

1. The incredibly clean and sparkly bathrooms. We came from a vintage apartment with a very old bathroom. The hot water didn't work until my brother fixed it. And even after it started working, the water would leak all over the top of the sink. Plus, there was only one bathroom, and it smelled like mildew. I bet if you tore the tile off the walls of the shower, you'd find a metropolis of mold.

Our new bathrooms are all tiley and granitey. My new Sunday ritual is to scour them both from top to bottom. My sick secret is that I enjoy it.

2. The incredibly clean and sparkly kitchen. Our old kitchen can be described in one word: sick. It was about the size of a shoe box, and there was about one foot of counter space. The cabinets (all four of them) didn't match, the counter didn't fit, and I had to scrape an inch of grease off the stove when we first moved in.

Our new kitchen has TONS of cabinets and appliances that work. Well, except I hate the dishwasher. It's the most awkward appliance I've ever seen, and none of our dishes really fit. But the REST of the kitchen is wonderful. Our pantry cabinet holds more than all of the cabinets combined in our old kitchen.

3. The closet space. If I was good at html, I'd insert one of those heavenly "ahhhhh!" sounds here. We had no closet space in the old apartment. What we did have was crammed full of my "old lady Christmas village" (P's words, not mine) and miscellaneous other Christmas decorations.

We have a full wall of closets in each bedroom (which badly need organization -- #3 on our list of wants), a coat closet, a linen closet and a full storage room. *sigh* Also, have I mentioned all of our kitchen cabinet space?!

We're definitely still unpacking -- we're also still getting used to where things are. Example: Last night, at about 3:30am, I woke up to a very loud boom. I yelled something like, "holy shit!" and got up to turn on the light. I found P on the floor holding his knee. The poor guy had hit his knee on the corner of the chest at the foot of our bed. As soon as he did, he hit the floor. Hard. He was ok, but I'm pretty sure the cats are scarred for life. Think low to the ground and wild-eyed.

I have these grand ideas that I'll come home from work and completely organize one room each night. What actually happens is that I come home from work, make dinner or clean up after dinner (depending on who is cooking), and sit on my ass watching tv for the rest of the night. If good intentions were dollar bills, I'd have enough to buy numbers 1 through 3 on our wants list. Well, gotta go! "Real Estate Intervention" is on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, genious boy, great mental picture you just painted! So, my only suggestion would be to start with a smaller project...not a whole room. For now, be the turtle not the hare!