Hello loyal blog fan(s). It's me, P. Who am I, you ask? Good question. I have been absent from this blog for far too long. I'm guessing few people even bother checking in on PD&J anymore. But hopefully we can get this blog goin' once again.
I thought I would blog today about why it has been so terribly long since you've heard from me. It has been the absolute worst 3 months of my life. This summer was hellaciously busy and now we are halfway into October and I'm all, "Hey... wha' happened?" (QUICK, NAME THAT MOVIE REFERENCE!)
So why, you ask (or not... but I'll tell you anyhow...) have you been so MIA? Well, over the summer I (we) was (were):
1. Studying for boards. I will (HOPEFULLY) soon find out that I am a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist. I studied starting in August and took the test in early October. It was a hard test and I spent all of my free time studying. Now that it's over I can finally enjoy my free time (for a little while). You know, leisure reading? I don't remember the last time I finished a book.
2. Preparing for / interviewing for a faculty position at hospital above. I had my interview just about 1 week before my boards. Oh, and I had to prepare a 45-minute presentation for that. And FYI I got the position. More on that later.
3. Some of you might have also seen the last post about how we moved and how much of a nightmare that was. So we were SUPPOSED to close originally only 3 days after my 2-day interview (!!) but that got delayed. As did our move.
In the span of 12 days, during which I worked every single day (yes, the weekend included), I had this job interviewed, closed on a condo, moved (I didn't help as much with that... shout out to D and my mom) and sat for my boards. Ask D: I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Now I'm free and still feel exhausted from the last few months. I could use a long vacation. But alas I work this weekend. But the new job is no evenings, weekends or holidays so just a little bit longer and I'm free!
"Waiting for Guffman," or one of that group's movies. -L
Congrats on the new job! And welcome back.
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