Thursday, September 3, 2009

WTF happened to the blog?

I logged in and SOMEONE had changed the layout of the blog. Which is fine, it's just... I didn't recognize it, and you know how I get anxious when I don't recognize something. It makes me think of having to talk to new people, and having to gossip at parties *grimace*. I changed it to something more pleasing (to me). Minimalist, I am not.

A few quick notes on The Life and Times of David:

1. My niece is hella-cute. S, L and C came to visit last weekend. We had a blast. And then I promptly got depressed when they left, and refused to leave the house for a full 24 hours. We did lots of eating and (other) touristy things. This is one of my favorite pictures of C and me, mostly because I think it's funny how different our expressions are. Plus, she looks totally annoyed, which I expect she will be with me when she's a teenager and I'm no longer cool. Which is why I plan to spoil her rotten and offer her free trips to Chicago.

2. WE MIGHT HAVE A CONDO!!!! More on that later, as I don't want to jinx it. But, !!!


Steve and Laura said...

Free trips are always welcomed!!! -L

SIP said...

Well, SOMEONE was bored and wanted to play with it, but then got suddenly busy at work and had to abandon her efforts. Thank you for cleaning it up--This is what I was after!!

Unknown said...

I like the new look! Also, the fact that there are new posts for me to read. I was starting to give up hope...