Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Blog About Socks

Long story short: I bought a brown sweater dress and brown boots and realized I'm not going to wear any of it until I get me some leggings. But I can't just get brown leggings, or I'll look like a turd. So, have been using my workday to browse the internets for colorful leggings. Harder than you might think. Seriously--they're all tacky and too panty-hose like. Or they are way too wild (i.e., leopard print, pleather) and I wouldn't wear THAT to work...

So then I found a blog called Sock Dreams. I loved the socks--more specifically, the pictures of the socks make them look like they could change your life or lead you on an amazing adventure! Since most of them are knit, I was afraid I'd have to make my own (which, actually, since I am a Knitter and have been contemplating a fall project, was getting kind of excited about (after the initial annoyance)), but turns out--it's an online boutique!! WHEEE!


SIP said...

Here's what I bought:


Unknown said...

"But I can't just get brown leggings, or I'll look like a turd."

I laughed out loud.

Also, the pics of what you bought do not appear to have loaded correctly (I can't see them, at any rate).

Unknown said...

ALSO, I am *loving* the sock site!

SIP said...

I was TOTALLY thinking of you, Carrie, when i found that site!

Copy and paste those links into your browser.

Unknown said...

AND, now I'm thoroughly addicted. Just splurged on very impractical but super cute socks.

Cutting & pasting doesn't work b/c the link is truncated. I'm sure what you got is cute, though.