I hope that didn't make anyone panic--it's not my birthday--YET! But, it IS this month, so the free stuff is starting to trickle in. Not from my real friends--from my friends at the mall!
I used to be reluctant to sign up for memberships and clubs at stores, but then I started to realize there are some benefits (and MANY more if you shop way more savvier than I). The birthday benefits, though, are ALWAYS the best!
Thusfar, I have a $10 off coupon at DSW (min. purchase $20--that's half off!!) and a $10 gift certificate from Origins. (Thanks, guys!!) The ones I am looking forward to include the one from Aveda (years past have included free product and a custom scent--2 of which I still have!), Banana Republic (I forget what they gave me last year, but I haven't been to Banana in forever which I assume means it will be GOOD!), and I think I get something for having a GAP card.
And I certainly hope my old friend Ann Taylor LOFT remembers my birthday. She emails me every single day, I assume they're all leading up to a really nice gift!
Oh and the Body Shop--I think I get a $10 gift certificate from them, too--WHEE!
So, is it safe to assume you're not going with a minimalism theme for your birthday this year?
(I kid! I'm thisclose to splurging on another pair of clogs for my birthday present to myself. As IF I need any more shoes...)
For the record, I DID panic. And then I remembered 062874 and calmed down instantly. Until I started thinking, "but what if it IS 6/28 and I'm getting EAlz?!". Oh, David.
Also, I think this year I got $20 from BR. But then, I'm one of their best clients.
HA! I know... It's like David said in his last post, I am undeniably American in that sense (putting the rest on my credit card! *wave in the air*)
Perhaps after this "update" I can stop consuming for a while (which is always a goal)...
Also, where did that poser picture come from?
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