Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bing bong!

P and I are taking the plunge (we hope)! On Monday night, we met with a Realtor®, which is both exciting and pee-in-my-pants scary. She's lovely, which is nice. She knows the area we want to live in very well, which also happens to be the area we currently live in. The whole process is terribly confusing, and I work with loans all day long. Our next step -- we need to get pre-approved. Also scary, mainly because we both (OK, mostly me) are paranoid that we won't get approved. I'm sure we will, but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't worrying! Also, see my previous post about buying a computer. So much for not making major purchases right before you apply for a mortgage. What can I say? I like pretty things. We'll show pictures of our search. More to come! Unless we don't get approved, in which case I will never write of this again.


Steve said...

You have to be REALLY bad off to not get approved. All that happens for most people is your interest rate will go up according to your credit score. Your credit is probably sprakling. Did you check it before you started this? Sometimes there are mistakes on the report. They can be fixed and improve your score greatly. Good Luck!!

Steve and Laura said...

I'm loving the post title. I won't read it in front of Pete, or he will run to the door.

PS My word verification is "balsof" as in "laughing your..."