Friday, May 1, 2009

Iceland Twenty-Ten!

That's right, P, D and J are going to Iceland in 2010! I'm so excited, I could pee!

I hope that (1) this post brings visitors from Iceland for our blog map, (2) I can afford all-over body hair removal so I can be seen in the volcanic hot springs and (3) I am able to afford a 66 degrees north coat.

Fast fact about Iceland -- they have a national registry of first names. You can't name your child anything other than what is already on the registry.

Cuisine I will not be trying in Iceland includes:
1. rotten shark (Hakarl)
2. Entrails, brains or testicles of anything
3. whale meat


SIP said...

I'm 'cited, too! I have wanted to go to Iceland ever since I read about a study abroad trip at DU! I also assume they'll be so happy to have our $, the locals will put us up for free! *hint to Iceland readership*

Paul said...

Don't forget that we are going to visit Bjork (how do I do umlauts on this thing? oh well). Another fast fact: surnames in Iceland are created with "dottir" (daughter) or "son" after the name of the father (I think it's father...). So it's Bjork (insert umlaut) Gudmundsdottir. Fun!