Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother Translator

Last week's SNL was funny for SO many reasons. I thought Justin Timberlake was HILARIOUS. He stole every skit, by far. (Side note: is it just me or is the level of repeat sketches really, really annoying?) And, as usual, the SNL Digital Short "Mother Lover" was a hit.

The very first fake commercial, though, had me REALLY laughing. It advertised the "Mother Translator" which helps you translate what celebrity your mom is trying to tell you about (as she usually mangles their name and you have no idea who she's talking about). So funny because it's TRUE. At the end, the announcer tells you "you can buy the Mom Translator wherever mom stuff is sold... so, Ann Taylor" Which is funny because P&D make fun of me for buying mom clothes at the Loft.

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