Friday, March 13, 2009

Leave Michael Phelps alone!

Poor Michael. He just can't shake negative press. An interview with Matt Lauer is about to air and I'm sure all he will be asked about is smoking pot. Americans are so prudish.

"Smoking pot is evil!"

Have you met any potheads? They're harmless.

"Boobs on TV! For shame!"

Go to Europe where boobs are just boobs and are used to advertise detergent or gum. It's the human body, people!

"Round up all the prostitutes!"

You know what? If you legalized all of this stuff it would save the government (or aging pop stars) money and room in prisons would be freed up. Plus you could create jobs regulating pimps, hos and druggies!

OMG, I think I just came up with a fix for the economy. I'll e-mail Obama...

1 comment:

SIP said...

PLEASE DO--I really think most of these things are media hype and/or the loudest voices of the few. Conservatives and liberals I know tend to agree on these issues, which I will now refer to as Paul's Proposals.