Have you ever heard of a stone baby? I had not, but thanks to TV, I now have! Turns out, this woman was pregnant for 46 years.
How is that even possible, you ask? WELL! This most commonly occurs when a woman has an ectopic pregnancy. Stone babies are formed when the fetus dies. In order to protect itself, the mother's body surrounds the fetus with a wall of calcium. I sort of came in on the tail end of the show, so I'm not sure WHY she waited so long to have it removed. I guess it started to be painful (after only 46 years!) But this is what they removed from her body, after four hours of surgery. It had fused to her internal organs.
They ended up cutting it open so you could see how thick the layer of calcium was. Suffice it to say, it was thick. And the whole thing made me glad I can never ever get pregnant.
From someone with a uterus: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhggggggggguh!"
I wonder what took so long to have it yanked out of there? Good Lord!!!!
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