Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So I have been intrigued by the Denver bike sharing program, B-cycle.  They have several kiosks around DU. 

Saturday, I walked around the new neighborhood and saw that Highlands also has a ton of B-cycle kiosks.  And, I should add--I hate my new commute.  I have walked or biked a short distance to work for almost TEN YEARS now.  Now, I live 10 miles from work (which B says doesn't REALLY qualify as a commute).  SO, I decided to bike to work!

Well, technically, I decided to bike HOME yesterday.  It was DELIGHTFUL!  My route took me along Wash Park, then the Cherry Creek trail, to Commons Park and across the pedestrian bridge over I-25 to the Highlands (not having to bike in the road helps a LOT).

It took me 45 minutes kiosk to kiosk.  Then I had about a 20 minute walk home. 

So, I decided to keep at it and ride to work today.  Let me add that I am not a strong bike rider.  We lived at the top of a hill on a busy street when I was growing up so I didn't ride much.  I'm slow and I'm scared of traffic (hell, ask David--I'm skittish about cars IN my car!)

So the commute TO work is a tad more difficult than the one home.  For one thing, it's all uphill.  For another, the bikes only have 3 gears.  I won't say it was a HILLY ride, but there was one point in Wash Park I wasn't entirely convinced I was going to pass an old lady power-walking.

I just kept thinking, "This is hard!"  That usually translates to "Well, then don't do it if it's hard."  Which got me thinking about all the times I've avoided things because they're hard.  Which made me remember that there's no point having goals if you're just going to quit when it gets hard.  I don't want to add to the traffic and air quality problems we have in Denver.  And, I'd like to be more active.  So I will keep at it.  Until it gets REALLY hard.

1 comment:

David said...

I am formally requesting that you post pictures of your new place.