Jan Davis, world famous blogger, turned another year older today! A lady never tells her age, but her voicemail password sure does (062874)!
I thought this day special enough to see what else might have gone on during past June 28ths.
Turns out several important things have happened! June 28 is like a trip down memory lane of useless pop culture. Not only did the one and only Mike Tyson take a large bite out of Evander Holyfield's ear, but Elian Gonzalez was returned to Cuba. Not to be outdone, the US government made news of its own, several times. In one of its more bone-headed decisions, the US Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts could bar homosexuals from serving as troop leaders. In an effort to redeem itself, four years later they ruled that enemy combatants could challenge their detention in US courts.
Other notable June 28th birthdays include Mel Brooks, Kathy Bates and John Elway! Denver must be partying tonight! Still, my most favorite older person today is Miss Jennifer Dennis. Here's to you, Jenn! Mikey saved you some ear to celebrate.
Happy Birthday, John Elway!! Go Broncos!
Thanks for the birth tribute, guys! Now I have to go change all my passcodes.
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