Monday, April 26, 2010

Remember Soul Patches?

I think P&D do.  Don't you guys?


Unknown said...

Did you take those pictures with a way-back machine?

David said...

I do remember soul patches. We look like babies. Puffy, out of focus babies.

Paul said...

Holy hell, Jenn! I could cut you for posting pictures like that. And, 2 things..

A. Why are these pictures all old-timey? Did you scan these or something? And if so, do you need a new scanner?

2. PLEASE tell me I don't look like that anymore! I was a COW!

SIP said...

I was lazy and just took a picture of the pictures.

And, HAHAHAHA--you DO look like puffy, out of focus babies! I found it QUITE humorous. And omg, P, you are SO SKINNY now! I was surprised when I saw these pics, too!