Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things to Do When You're Bored At Work Part...

I think I've mentioned this before, but when you look at any Blogger blog, at the very top is a link to "Next Blog" which randomly brings you to another blog.  I just did this for about 15 minutes and in that short time, here is what I discovered:

1. Most bloggers put up their own unique header.  I guess I'm surprised.  You have to know how to at least cut and paste code and where to put it.

         1a.  This fact makes me want to pimp our blog.

2.  One out of every 3 blogs is about a family.  Either an entire extended family (with family pictures where everyone is the same general shape and size), a newlywed couple (with LOTS of coupley pictures suggesting getting married is just one big adventure!), or 2 or more children (again, with lots of cute pictures suggesting parenting is just one big adventure).

        2a. I don't mean to sound annoyed, I actually think blogs are a great way to stay in touch.  Not sure about having a PUBLIC blog, though...

3.  One out of 3 blogs is pretty Christian.  I only find this surprising because it's blatant Christianity--I didn't have to read far before Jesus came up.

4.  Cool blogs have pictures.

5.  I ran across TWO blogs whose personas were named Seraphine.  Weird, huh?


SIP said...

Oh and potty training pictures.

Steve and Laura said...

I did it, and found Clay Aiken News!