Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Remember that drag queen?

When we lived in Denver, one night we went to a gay bar (Bricks) and there was a drag show. In this show was a drag queen who performed two different Pink (or "P!nk" as she apparently goes by now) songs. This queen had natural cleavage (and I don't mean implants. Man boobs -- moobs) and really knew none of the words except the choruses. I happen to have both of these songs on my iPod. Every single time I hear them, I think of that queen. Well, more specifically I think of the moobs, which were disturbing. In that same show was a drag queen that fancied herself a taller, manlier version (if that's even possible) of Celine Dion. She did what I call "Celine Dion arms". If I wasn't on the train, I'd do a video on my phone and post it to the blog to show you what I mean. But then, I suppose that leaves something for later, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do not remember that drag queen. Remember when you guys used to post things to this blog?