Friday, April 10, 2009

Stupid fat conservatives

So I'm watching "Countdown" on MSNBC (no Keith Olberman tonight, it's David Schuster tonight... likely related to the death of his mother... PD & J send their condolences) and they are talking about how groups of right-wing nut jobs in a few cities across the country got together to have "tea parties" to protest what they believe will be higher taxes under Obama. Idiots. They believe whatever the Limbaughs, Hannitys and O'Reillys of the world tell them. Check out some of the videos here. I especially like the one that is 6 minutes of people being asked whether or not they believe Obama was born in the U.S. And there are still some Kool Aid drinkers out there who buy that he wasn't.

Anyhoo, what inspired me to blog? The "Countdown" piece referred to what they were doing as teabagging. So they said "teabagging" over and over again. Hilarious. I assume the readers of PD & J are hip enough to know what "teabagging" is. And therefore I leave it to this picture to sum it up:

Addendum: OMG, I just Wikipedia'd teabagging and learned that the equivalent using the female anatomy is called a "slug stamp." EWWWW!!


David said...

OMG. FIRST of all, WHAT is that a picture of? I mean, I KNOW what it's a picture of, but what is on top of the computer? Is it a hairless cat or something?

Second, slug stamping? *vomit*

SIP said...

HAHAHAHA--I finally have a name for it! KIDDING!

Yeah--what IS that? A manatee???

David said...

I am completely unhappy with the links in the google ads, presumably as a result of this post.

SIP said...

Oh--the conservative stuff? Can't you put some block to stuff in our Google Ads account??

Also, give it time, David, give it time.