Friday, April 3, 2009

An open letter to our blog readers

Dear Loyal Blog Reader,

We're writing to make you aware of a change to the layout of our blog. A series of recent events have reinforced the need for P. D. and J. to see each other much more often. As is tragically apparent in the national news, our economy isn't cooperating with our goal.

Quick side note: We are currently "work-shopping" titles for our goal. While we eventually come up with names for things all the time (examples: Blizzard of Aught x, Pug 2008, Oscar Party y, etc.), you can see we're "witty names" challenged. We would like to put forth "Friends and Wine in Oh-Nine" for your consideration, but please comment with further suggestions.

Where was I? Oh RIGHT, seeing each other more. Loyal readers, this goal should really be your goal, too. It's no secret that this blog has suffered some rather unsettling periods of writer's block. We don't want that to happen again. We, your dedicated authors, need to have common experiences that we can share with all of you, our friends and family.

Which brings me to the point of this entire post. You'll note there are now ads on the left-hand side of our blog. These ads are there for one simple purpose: cold hard cash. All proceeds from the placement of these ads will be used for the sole purpose of traveling betwixt Chicago and Denver, and possibly other locations, to experience things that we can relate to you.

Don't feel that you need to click the links. You can ignore them if you'd like. But please don't let them turn you off to our witty banter, and tastefully told tales of everyday life. Should you wish to comment about our decision, please do not hesitate to do so. We understand that change can be unsettling, and we want you to know we're there for you.

Very truly yours,

P. D. and J.


SIP said...

hahahahaha--EXCELLENT! There has been too few trips in between since you left. I also put cans at a few of the local convenience store checkouts, so that will help, too! Maybe I'll start hanging out at the airport, begging for change to get to Chi town?

Also--I wondered what KIND of ads they'd put on here. So far, there's just the one for Blogger. I guess we do blog about blogging a lot...

Steve said...

Some of my favorite products:

Vitamin Water 10

I'll think of more later.

Unknown said...

The all-seeing eye of the internet seems to have y'all (mostly) pegged -- today's adds are for U2 tickets and Flight of the Conchords. But what is up with the personal injury lawyer? Did I miss a post about a car accident or something?

David said...

Soooo... we've made a total of one cent so far with the ads. Thanks, Google. Thanks a lot.

SIP said...

Did you see I put a couple of links in my last post? Maybe that'll start things up a bit...