Sunday, April 26, 2009

I *heart* Pop

I really do. Which is why I was excited to learn that Colombia is the world's third largest consumer of the stuff! I tried a few different kinds of pop while I was there, but the most interesting to me was Coke. The Coke in Colombia was sweetened with real sugar and was MUCH better than the kind we have here. So, imagine my surprise when I saw Pepsi Throwback in the store! Pepsi Throwback is made with real sugar, just like it was in the 60's and 70's. It also tastes much better. They are also making Mountain Dew Throwback, which is even more exciting. That stuff used to pump through my veins in College.

Also, at Target, I found a "premium" Pepsi available in 4-packs. It's called Pepsi Natural. Think Jones Soda. Of course, I bought some. I also enjoyed that quite a lot.


Unknown said...

Around Passover, the grocery stores here in NYC all stock some special addition Coke made with real sugar (corn syrup isn't kosher for Passover). I've never actually tried it, but I've heard it does taste better.

Steve and Laura said...

Oooo, I need to look into this! yes, it WAS much better in Colombia. Sin hielo, of course ;)

SIP said...

Megan and I looked for the special yellow topped Coke during Passover all for naught. I would love to try it. I wonder where they stockpile it? Synagogues?