Monday, November 24, 2008


We had one of these when I was growing up, and it was one of my favorite Christmas decorations:

I know... ugly, right?  But it's one of my favorite Christmas decorating memories.  That's why I've been asking Mom to send it to me since moving away from home.  She hasn't been able to find it, which means she did not have the same emotional attachment to it that I did.  This is when I'm glad for ebay* -- I was able to find the lovely plastic monster you see above for $12.99.  The funny part: it shipped from West Seneca, NY which is very close to my parents' house.  I wonder if the woman who sold it bought it from my Mom's yard sale?  

*Yes, even though the CEO was a McCain campaign advisor.

Also, I thought I would take this opportunity to show everyone P's and my Christmas tree.  I am including two photos below.  The first is blurry, but I find it funny because Sheila is staring at the camera.  She won't do that normally -- only when you are trying to get a picture of something you don't want her in.  

From both photos, you can tell the cats like to play on the tree skirt.  And you can see Cole in the back.  He's the black lump.



David said...

Huh. The blurriness about evens itself out with the LQ uploads. Good to know.

Steve said...

I loved that too. I also loved the gingerbread house candle that we weren't allowed to light.

Tree up already!!?

Laura said...

Do you think there will be something on it that will identify it as your family's original decoration?!? (Like, a dent from when Steve threw it at Dave, for example.) Unless they were sold at Wolworths, it's quite the coincidence that someone in a nearby town would have the same decoration.

Steve said...

I think it was an Avon thing or something. So, there could be thousands of them :)

David said...

I thought it was Avon, too, but the package didn't say anything about it. All it says on the bottom is "Made in Hong Kong".

And that candle was CAKED with dust from lack of use, but I loved it, too.

SIP said...

hahaha@ Sheelagh's full name.

I told Dave I want a Chihuahua. His initial reaction: ew. Then I found a magazine FULL of them and he saw how very cute they can be. I thought I would get one and name her Bernice.

Anywhoo--your tree looks lovely as always. I so miss getting to bask in the holiday wonderland that is your place everytime you decorate for the holidays. Perhaps you could post a video featuring some of the decoration highlights?