UPDATE: IT'S REAL!!! Dave just picked up our credentials!!! We're going to see Obama at Mile High!!!
THANK GOD I switched my flight to Chi!!!
I just got an e-mail that looks legit saying I can pick up my credentials to see Barack Obama's speech at Mile High next Thurs.
I called the Obama headquarters and the woman I spoke with confirmed.
*pee all over my chair and floor at work... and a little bit on the wall*
Barack and Michelle giving me a shout-out
OH MY GOD!!! I am so unbelievably jealous right now! How did you manage to score that pass? THAT IS SO EXCITING! Sorry for the caps, but I'm a little short of breath right now from all the awesome.
hahaha@ "short of breath right now from all the awesome" ME TOO
As I updated: it's REAL, Dave just picked up our creds and then verified them on the demconvention website. *swoon*
How this happened? I HAVE NO IDEA!!!
1. I DID donate based on that e mail the campaign sent out about how you could get tickets if you donated.
2. I am PRETTY sure I am on a volunteer list somewhere...
3. I DID host an Obama party ON my bday! (BIG Obama points for that)
4. um... I am from Colorado?
5. I recently switched from Green Party to registered Democrat?
6. When I registered to get on the wait list for tickets, I said I would walk to Mile High?
In other words, I HAVE NO IDEA *super-lucky*
lucky, lucky bastards! I am so jealous as well. I do not think I'll get off the wait list. Yay for you!!
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