Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So work was awful today.  I'd go into it, but it's my policy that I don't talk about work on the blog other than in generic terms.  I don't want this *gesture* to be the reason I get fired.  "Well, D, we would have given you a raise and a key to your own private bathroom, but we saw on your blog that you said something nasty about your coworker."  BUT, suffice it to say I was rip-roarin' mad when I left work today.

Cut to my train ride home.  As mentioned previously, I take a variety of trains to/from work each day.  The stop where I transfer is very busy during rush hour, and lots of people exit the train with me.  This JA (that's "jack ass" for those of you not up on the lingo) behind me kept saying "excuse me" in my ear.  I turned and said, "I'm getting off here, too".  He proceeded to put his hand on my back *audible gasp from the blog readers* and gently push me toward the door.  It took everything within me not to turn, grab him by the throat, and scream in his face.  He was shorter than me, and this is one chap I could beat up.  No, seriously.  He was weak.  

Note to other JAs on the train: don't ever touch me.  Ever.  I don't know where you've been, and nothing gives you that right.  Also, your pushing me and running to the other platform only allowed you to wait for longer than I did.  We both got on the same train, f'er.

1 comment:

Steve said...

It would've been worth not moving and riding tot he next stop just to piss him off.