Friday, June 27, 2008

Jenn Gr'08dy

Thanks for all the support, guys!

Link to News Story


Unknown said...

Oh, that gave me quite a chuckle, but I think you officially have too much web-surfing time on your hands. Also, I will direct you to Article 2 of the Constitution, which specifies that a person must be at least 35 years old to hold office. I know it's almost your birthday, but you still won't qualify. (Happy early b-day, btw!)

David said...

HAHAHAHA @ "I will direct you to Article 2 of the Constitution"


SIP said...

hahahaha--Dave found it and sent it to me. And, apparently everyone he knows bc I heard from a couple people last night he had sent it to them, too. So. Apparently it's not JUST me. *pout*