- Jet black pigtails with tightly shaved and bleached blonde hair on the back of her head
- Shaved eyebrows (and none drawn in)
- A spikey piercing through her lower lip in the center of her mouth
- Super-short shirt dress with ruffles at the waist
- Military jacket
- Stick legs
I also took a picture of a man who looked remarkably like Colonel Sanders, but it didn't come out.
So which is worse - the bus or the train?
That's a tough one. The train is larger, so you can get away from people. And, it's faster. The bus, on the other hand, is slow and confining. I guess I'd have to say the bus is worse.
I looked into riding the bus to work. (The fare has been reduced to $1/ride.) But every route goes to the city and then back out, so it would take me 2 hours to get to work, and I'd arrive late. I asked if they were going to add routes that just go east/west (and not north into the city), and they said no. Whatever! See how you do without my $2, Biatches!
Rochester needs to expand it's mass transit to include the suburbs for sure. Get with the times people!
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