Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Annoying people annoy me

That's right, I used "annoy" twice in the title -- and trust me, twice wasn't enough.  There is this gaggle of jerk wads that get on my train every single morning.  They are all middle-aged and white *eye roll* and insist on talking at about a billion decibels re: things no one else cares about.  For example (and this example uses an annoying female specimen from the group, but the males are just as -- if not more -- annoying), today the topic of conversation was how Annoying Woman 1 saw "Sex and the City".  During the previews, she saw an advert for a new Richard "Jeer" (her pronunciation, not mine) movie.  She wanted everyone to know that he's still "as hot as ever".  First of all, ew.  Second of all, stfu, please.  It's 7:30am, and I'm not sure how it's possible you're even talking, much less talking about Richard "Jeer".  Kindly shut your pie hole, tell your Red Hat Society friends to do the same, get out of the way of the door, and leave everyone else in peace!  

No matter which car I get on, they find me.  And switching ends of the car doesn't matter.  You can hear them no matter where you are.  I can even hear them over my ipod (which I always manage to forget).  I know it's wrong to hate, but...

Will attempt to get a picture of them with my cell asap.

1 comment:

SIP said...

HA! I'm picturing the early morning Bible group types that used to come into VI. I also think it's funny bc I am sure anyone chatting it up that early thinks they're a ray of sunshine.