Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Oh what we won't do for 55-inch, 1080p, 240 Hz goodness...

D and I are RIDICULOUS when it comes to wanting the latest, greatest technology. Only 2 years ago we bought our first flat-screen HD TV. But it was only 720p, probably like 60Hz... nothing compared to better, newer TVs capable of up to 4x the Hz and 1080p resolution. We became obsessed with getting a new TV... partly after being at D's parent's home and seeing their newer TV. But we couldn't settle for just any TV. No, we wanted the new "LED" TVs. Samsung's 55" is gorgeous and is only 1.5" thick.

So we went to a certain chain electronics store over New Year's weekend. Without much hesitation we bought the TV we wanted because the financing was available for a limited time. We thought we would just take it home in David's tiny car. But as soon as they brought the box up front we knew there was no way it would fit. So we arranged to have it delivered the following Wednesday, which was agreed upon partly because the teenage sales associates at the store assured me that the delivery service would arrange a convenient time for me (considering I do have a day job!).

The following Tuesday the delivery service called and said the delivery was scheduled for 11:30-1 pm the next day. I told them that didn't work for me and that in the store they explained I could find a mutually-agreed upon, flexible time. Their response: "that's not how this works, sir!" So since we were going to be in Minneapolis the following weekend, I had to reschedule the delivery for over a week later, Saturday the 16th. I wasn't happy but went along with it.

Fast forward to Friday the 15th, the day before it was supposed to be delivered. I got a call from the delivery service informing me that, "unfortunately, sir", the delivery of our TV didn't come from Samsung. Forget the fact that I had a TV I could have taken out of the store a week and a half prior. So they were hoping that the shipment would come in at the end of the following week and rescheduled me for a week out, the next Saturday. The more I thought about it, the more pissed I got. Add to that the fact that I could find the same TV on Amazon with a guaranteed 2-day delivery for $500 less.

I decided I was done with this particular electronic store. I was going to cancel the TV ("return" is the wrong word 'cause we hadn't gotten it yet!). So I called the 1-800 #. The woman couldn't direct me to the order number (which didn't exist!) on my receipt and told me to call the delivery service to cancel the order / get a refund (she didn't even try to talk me out of it or ask why I was upset!!). I called the delivery service and they cancelled the delivery but informed me that I needed to contact the store it was purchased from in order to get my money refunded. (Again, no questions regarding WHY I wanted to do this or any attempt to talk me out of it!). Sooo I tried calling the store....SIX TIMES with no answer (and yes, they were open). D and I decided to drive 20 minutes out to the store.

We got to the store and waited in line at customer service and when it was my turn, I took the receipt to the girl working and she was like, "OK, let me get someone from Home Theater..." As annoyed as I was that YET ANOTHER PERSON couldn't help me and was passing the buck, I didn't say anything. But no one from Home Theater came up. But the girl didn't explain why they needed to come up. Then a manager found out what I was trying to do and got on the headset to Home Theater with an urgent, "I need someone to customer service right now... we have a $3000 return!"

With that frantic message, someone from Home Theater was there in less than a minute. He introduced himself and asked what the problem was and I explained. At first he said, "so you initially missed the delivery..." and I abruptly corrected him with "NO, I was told they would work with my schedule by people here in YOUR store!" I then said I was done dealing with them and that I could get the TV for $500 less on Amazon. So he said, "That's not how we do business and this isn't acceptable, we will make this right so my manager and I will take $100 off the TV AND I GUARANTEE you will get your TV tomorrow." I reluctantly said okay. But his manager was right there and actually told him to take $350 off the price (read: they have a price-match policy).

They took our phone numbers and as we were walking out, the manager said they would give us a call the next day.

Sure enough, the next day I got a call at 12:30 asking if we were going to be home as they were about to leave the store...

When they got to our place, we looked out the window and realized that they had loaded our TV in the manager's personal pickup truck!! He and another Home Theater employee brought our TV up. I was so shocked that I tried to tip them but they wouldn't accept it. Long-short: we bitched and got the manager to personally drive our TV to us!!!

I was done with this company UNTIL the manager did this. Don't get me wrong, I still think aspects of their customer service are shitty as hell. And I also know that this wasn't a completely altruistic action: I'm sure the higher ups really frown on the loss of a $3000 sale and such a loss would have hurt this particular location's sales for the month.

Was it worth it, you ask? OMG, you have to see this TV for yourself. Come visit. That's for another blog post. I'm tired...

Gaga v Caca

I'm not proud to admit it, but I've taken a liking to Lady Gaga. I know, I know. I tried to fight it, but it's all just so damned catchy! My favorite song (and video) by far is "Bad Romance". Why? I don't know. But I also like the parody. See for yourself.

"Your blog is dead" part deux

So I feel partly to blame for the blog dying.  As with most things, I was really excited at the beginning, then lost interest.  Well, SEEMED to lose interest.  I didn't lose interest in the blog, I just lost interest in anything I thought about writing about.  There were things to write about, to be sure, I just worried that the subject matter might bring the blog down a bit.  ("I Found Him Going Down on a Prostitute" and "I Just Got Screwed Out of Every Financial Contribution I Made For the Past 3 Years Because My Mental Health Depends upon Him Being Completely Out of My Life" were a couple of the posts I ended up deleting)

But it's a new year and things have certainly been looking up for this young lady!   I have found love again.  And I am ready to share it with the world!  His name: Adam Lambert.*

I have never been an American Idol fan, but once I discovered Kelly Clarkson (and even some Carrie Underwood, thank you Kelly), I decided I shouldn't be quite so derisive of the concept.  I still never watched it, but would give a listen to the finalists, none of which impressed me.  Until (obv) this past season.  Megan made me watch the finale.  Being a sucker for a boy in eyeliner, Adam quickly caught my attention.  His voice, his range, his attitude all made him a standout in my eyes.  But it was still a passing fancy.

Then, on my way to the airport to see P&D recently, I was in Walgreens buying chewable Dramamine when I spotted Adam's cd at the checkout. I listened to it on the way to the airport.  Let me tell you, I was entertained.

First of all, he collaborated with the guy from The Darkness which accesses a part of my glam-loving brain I'm not sure I'm really in touch with.  It's so PRIMAL.  A tall, lean boy all glammed up with a range that sends chills throughout my body...  who can resist?!

So anyways, the CD is good.  REAL catchy.  Go ahead.  Put it on.  I'll sing along and make ecstatic faces at my favorite parts.

But my love for Adam was kicked up a notch when I saw him on Oprah yesterday.  I realized another primal draw he has for me is that he resembles a young and slender Elvis.  And he actually seems nice and fun which are qualities I appreciate in the objects of my affection even if there is no way I can actually confirm that their public persona is a true depiction of who they are.

And I found it HIGHLY entertaining to see the older women in Oprah's audience (including Oprah herself) singing along and going crazy for young Adam.  Until I realized they are probably all my age.  And until I realized I myself was crazy for young Adam.  Then I decided all the older ladies in the audience weren't as unseemly as I first thought.

I realize telling you about my own personal obsession with *heart*A.L.*heart* probably won't convince you of anything but keep in mind: I'm not exactly the type to fall for the runner up of American Idol nor am I the type to tear up when a 20 year old kid walks onstage (ON THE TELEVISION).  I would just suggest you watch THIS:

or THIS:

Then go buy his CD so we can talk about it.

*apologies to BMS who, because he doesn't ever want an internet presence will not be blogged about.  But he is the first among my new loves : )

Monday, January 18, 2010

"Hi, your blog is dead."

"Hi, your blog is dead." That's how I was greeted on Facebook one day from my brother. And he's right. The first post of 2010 for the blog is on January 18th! Yikes. I can only speak for myself (and if you'll note, I was the last one to post anything), but the holidays seemed to take a lot of my time. Maybe that's because they were never-ending this year!

It all started with our party, of course. Shortly thereafter, we headed to NY for Christmas. Since most of you have never experienced a Nelson Family Christmas, let me give you a little taste of how we roll.

Can you find P in that picture? No, that's Regis! He's the one in the snazzy pajamas.

This was an extra special Christmas because it was our first with Carmencita (the 'Cita). Here she is saying, "Yay, Christmas!"

Grandma had an especially good Christmas. Here she is showing off her new shoes (and her shocking level of flexibility).

She also got a magnifier.

This is a pretty good picture of my parents. Mom usually has her eyes closed.

Next we have a bad picture of me (but a cute one of the 'Cita), P with his new friend the giant freshwater shark, Carmen with her folks, and Carmen with Oma.

It was a quick trip, but we plan to go back to see everyone very soon. More on the rest of our Christmases in another post.